New Zealand recognizes sporting volunteers

Source: Xinhua| 2017-06-17 19:28:14|Editor: Song Lifang
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WELLINGTON, June 17 (Xinhua) -- New Zealand Sport and Recreation Minister Jonathan Coleman said on Saturday that the nation's sporting volunteers are "stepping up to the plate" and it is important to recognize their efforts during the National Volunteer Week which runs from June 18-24.

Nearly a quarter of New Zealanders have given their time to support sport and recreation with almost 1 million kiwis volunteering in the past year, Coleman said in a release.

"Volunteers are often the first people in and the last ones out, and the National Volunteer Week highlights the significant contribution that they make," Coleman said.

Coaches, umpires and referees, through to the people who wash the uniforms and transport players are taking up roles big and small, he said, adding that "without them our wealth of opportunities to be active and healthy would simply not exist."

Volunteers also play a key role in supporting New Zealand's hosting of major events, he said, citing the recent World Masters Games in which around 4,000 volunteers helped make this year's event a huge success.

"Our hosting of major events is leaving a meaningful legacy for sport in our country in a number of ways but especially by bringing together passionate volunteers to support the sport and recreation in New Zealand," Coleman added.