2016年08月31日 18:29:02  来源: 中国新闻摄影学会
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    Weary passengers doze on an early morning bus from Yanjiao to Beijing on Sept 2, 2014. Lack of sleep is common in this city built as somewhere to sleep. 2014年9月2日,河北燕郊一辆开往北京的公交车。

    A long line for the Beijing bus greets weary commuters in Yanjiao on June 16, 2014. 2014年6月16日,河北燕郊排队等待公交的跨省上班族。

    Sometimes the wait is just too much. A woman climbs over a fence to get to the front of the line for her bus home from Beijing on April 22, 2015. 2015年4月22日,北京国贸桥下翻越栅栏乘公交车回家的跨省下班族。

    Even though buses have a yellow no-standing area around their rear door, the commuter routes are so packed with people that passengers,like these on July 9,2014,spill into the area and get jammed against the door. 2014年7月9日,河北燕郊挤公交的跨省上班族。

    A driver tries to use his mirror for a clear look at the road but so many passengers have crowded onto his bus in Yanjiao that they block his view on July 9, 2014. 2014年7月9日,河北燕郊一辆开往北京的公交车。

    A group of people chose a carpool as an alternative to get back to Yanjiao after a day’s work in Guomao in the Central Business District of Beijing, on April 22, 2015. 2015年4月22日,北京国贸,不愿挤公交车的跨省下班族拼车回家。

    Another long day at work comes to an end in Guomao area, Beijing, but these commuters need to wait in the dark in another long line for their bus home to Yanjiao on April 22, 2015. 2015年4月22日,北京国贸,等公交车回家的跨省下班族。

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