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2015年07月27日 13:44:29 来源: 中国日报网

    The Queen's wine cellar, situated beneath the state rooms in one of the oldest parts of the building, holds a staggering 25,000 bottles, some of which are on display. The oldest the monarch owns is a bottle of sherry that dates back to 1660 but will never, it has to be said, be drunk. The oldest drinkable one is, by all accounts, an 1815 bottle of Madeira. 女王的酒窖位于国宾室底下,那里是白金汉宫最古老的地方,藏酒多达2.5万瓶,其中一部分将参展。酒窖中年代最久远的是一瓶1660年的雪利酒,有必要说的是,这瓶酒将被永久收藏不会开封。据各方面消息,年代最久远、可饮用的藏酒是1815年的一瓶马德拉酒。

    Napkins are always folded in an intricate design known as a Dutch Bonnet. No one knows exactly why, but that’s just always the way it has been done, say staff. 餐巾一律折叠成精致的“荷兰帽”式。王室工作人员表示,这样折叠的确切原因不得而知,不过,这是一直以来的传统。

    The banquet itself is always offered 'butler style', so each diner serves the food themselves from silver-gilt platters which are presented to them on their left-hand side. 宴会一直都是“管家式”服务,每道菜都会盛到镀金的银质大浅盘里,端到用餐者左手边,用餐者自行取用。

    Each dish is segmented so they know how much to help themselves to, although some foreign dignitaries are known to carefully watch their neighbor to ensure proper protocol is adhered to at all times. 每道菜都会分成小份,方便用餐者把握取餐份量。不过据悉有些外国贵宾会仔细观察邻座的举止,时刻确保自己符合用餐礼仪。

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