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2015年07月27日 13:44:29 来源: 中国日报网

    Such attention to details is, says Royal Collection Trust curator, Anna Reynolds, one of things that makes any visit to Buckingham Palace 'magnificent, magical and memorable'. 皇家收藏信托策展人安娜•雷诺兹说,如此细致入微使得每次白金汉宫之旅都很“壮观、神奇、难忘”。

    And from Saturday members of the public visiting the royal residence while the Queen is on holiday over the summer will experience what it is like to attend an event at the invitation of Her Majesty at a stunning new exhibition entitled 'A Royal Welcome'. 白金汉宫的“王室欢迎你”展览将于本周六拉开帷幕,此间,女王正在度暑假。这场精彩绝伦的展览将让人耳目一新,前来参观的公众将体验到受女王之邀而出席活动的感受。

    Last year the Royal Family welcomed around 62,000 guests to the palace on State Visits, receptions, Garden Parties, Investitures and private audiences. 算上国事访问、招待会、游园会、授衔仪式以及私人会见,去年,共有约6.2万人受皇室邀请来到白金汉宫。

    For the first and only time, visitors will be permitted to walk through the Grand Entrance, where the Queen departs and returns to the palace for ceremonial processions, outside which is the two-tonne Australian State Coach (which unlike others has electric windows and central heating). 绝无仅有的是,参观者可以穿过大厅。大厅是庆典游行时女王离宫和回宫的地方,大厅外是两公吨重的澳大利亚国家马车(与其它国家马车不同的是,它配置了电动窗户和中央采暖系统)。

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