S.Korean lawmaker named to lead economic cooperation committee

Source: Xinhua| 2017-08-25 14:16:23|Editor: ZD
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SEOUL, Aug. 25 (Xinhua) -- South Korean President Moon Jae-in on Friday named a four-term lawmaker of the ruling Democratic Party to lead a presidential committee to enhance economic cooperation with countries such as Russia, China and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK).

Song Young-gil of the Democratic Party was named as the head of the Northern Economic Cooperation Committee, which was created under a presidential decree and was approved Monday at a cabinet meeting, according to the presidential Blue House.

Song, widely seen as an expert on China and Russia, was sent to Russia as a special envoy after President Moon took office on May 10.

President spokesman Park Soo-hyun told a press briefing that Song is a right person to lead economic cooperation with Eurasian countries to materialize the New Economic Roadmap on the Korean Peninsula, advocated by President Moon.

During his speech in Germany in early July, Moon unveiled the roadmap for peace on the peninsula by connecting railways between South Korea and the DPRK and linking natural gas pipeline from Russia to South Korea through the DPRK.

The committee was formed to solidify cooperation with Northeast Asian and Eurasian nations on transport, logistics and energy sectors.

The spokesman said the committee was anticipated to play a big role in building peace and co-prosperity in the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia by strengthening cooperation with Northeast and Eurasian countries to create a new growth momentum and in the long run, bring an inter-Korean cooperation.