Danish gov't cracks down upon gang-related crimes

Source: Xinhua| 2017-08-12 05:26:38|Editor: Mu Xuequan
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COPENHAGEN, Aug. 11 (Xinhua) -- The Danish government announced on Friday a slew of measures to tighten crackdown upon gang-related crimes in the wake of a pate of shootings in Copenhagen and other towns.

Danish Minister of Justice Soeren Pape Poulsen revealed at a press conference on Friday afternoon a package consisting of 12 new initiatives designed to stop the gang violence that has been raging Copenhagen for the past few weeks.

The Danish news agency Ritzau reported that a total of 23 gang-related shootings have been registered in Copenhagen over the past two months, with at least six being injured.

Poulsen called the situation "grotesque" and admitted that he was "furious", according to the Danish newspaper The Copenhagen Post.

"The large number of shooting incidents shows that the situation is extremely serious," Poulsen was quoted as saying. "I must emphasize that we will use all the methods at our disposal to increase the already massive pressure on gangs."

According to the minister, the police will employ around 25 computer specialists, all experts in following digital clues, and about the same number of people will be engaged in preventative work in areas judged to be especially at risk.

Meanwhile, the military will take over some of the border control tasks that the police are undertaking at present, so as to free up police manpower for anti-gang measures.