Russia says EU sanctions over Siemens turbine disputes groundless

Source: Xinhua| 2017-08-06 03:28:18|Editor: Zhou Xin
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MOSCOW, Aug. 5 (Xinhua) -- The Russian Energy Ministry said Saturday that it is legally groundless for the European Union (EU) to sanction two of its officials over spats around Siemens turbine supply.

"There are no legal grounds for the EU to include the two officials on its sanction list," said the ministry, adding that it was waiting for an explanation from Brussels.

"Interference in disputes between two economic entities is a direct violation of international legal norms," said the ministry in a statement.

On Friday, the EU announced sanctions against three Russian nationals, including a deputy minister and a department head of the energy ministry, and three companies, who will face asset freeze and travel ban in the EU for their responsibility in the allegedly illegal delivery of four gas turbines to Crimea.

The turbines were originally sold by German company Siemens for use in other parts of Russia and were then transferred to Crimea, according to the company.

The EU decision to sanction the two Russian officials is puzzling and based solely on political considerations, said the Russian statement.