Macedonia hit by several massive fires

Source: Xinhua| 2017-08-05 05:09:02|Editor: yan
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SKOPJE, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Several massive fires have spread across Macedonia while some forests near Skopje have been engulfed by flames on late Friday, Macedonia's emergency management center (EMC) said.

According to EMC, the firefighting units, Macedonian army staff and local residents have been engaged in battling the fires.

Macedonia has been engulfed recently by a heat wave which has favored the spread of fire in many districts.

Given that the southwest of Macedonia is the most risked zone from fires and considering that the fires here are approaching houses, the Macedonian government said it has sought some other water-dropping helicopters to cope with situation.

In the meantime, official sources told local media late Friday that Turkey and Bulgaria were already helping the Macedonian authorities to contain the massive fires.

"The situation here remains critical," the EMC said, noting that meteorologist had warned high temperatures would continue in the coming days.

According to them, the high temperature would make the fires' extinction even more difficult.