New Zealand-Australia research collaborations underway

Source: Xinhua| 2017-06-15 22:37:36|Editor: Mu Xuequan
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WELLINGTON, June 15 (Xinhua) -- New Zealand government is committing 4.46 million NZ dollars (3.22 million U.S. dollars) for three New Zealand-Australia research projects that will support high-quality research, Science and Innovation Minister Paul Goldsmith said on Thursday.

"New Zealand's collaboration with Australia in science and innovation is both extensive and constructive. These new partnerships will achieve greater impact and provide better outcomes for both countries than either New Zealand or Australia could accomplish alone," Goldsmith said.

The funding of these partnerships through the Catalyst Fund, which supports international research partnerships and scientific cooperation, reinforces the government's support for collaboration through the New Zealand-Australia Science, Research and Innovation Cooperation Agreement, signed in February.

The successful projects include a cooperation between New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research and the New South Wales Department of Primary Industries, to undertake research on key New Zealand plant species' susceptibility to Myrtle Rust.

Other collaborative studies include investigation of links between genes, environment, molecular physiology and health through early- and mid-life to improve the health of children, as well as new catalysts for eliminating nitrous oxide greenhouse gas emissions.

"These projects reflect the fact that Australia and New Zealand face many of the same issues and opportunities that can be addressed through high-quality complementary research," said Goldsmith.

In particular, the research into Myrtle Rust will be important for New Zealand's ongoing efforts to control the spread of the disease, and manage its impacts on native species such as Manuka, with its importance to the honey industry, he said.

International partnerships are fundamental for New Zealand's science and innovation system as "they bring new knowledge, ideas, people, technology and investment into our system," Goldsmith said.