Militants attack on television station in Afghanistan kills 4, wounds 16

Source: Xinhua| 2017-05-17 20:00:43|Editor: xuxin
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JALALABAD, Afghanistan, May 17 (Xinhua) -- At least four people including three attackers were killed and 16 others injured as militants attacked the state-owned national television station in eastern Afghanistan's Nangarhar's provincial capital Jalalabad city on Wednesday.

"Four people including three attackers and an employee of the television station have been confirmed dead and 16 others injured," spokesman for the provincial governor Attaullah Khogiani told reporters here.

The bloody incident occurred at 10:30 a.m. local time after three militants equipped with light arms and suicide vests stormed the compound of the TV station, triggering a gun battle.

A total of 16 people including a security personnel and some employees of the TV station sustained injuries in the incident, Khogiani said, adding that the fighting is over and the situation is under control.

However, some eye-witnesses on condition of anonymity, said the number of casualties is higher than reported.

Earlier, local media reported that a group of suicide bombers targeted government offices including the governor house, a police station and the TV station.

However, the official said the target was the television station and all the attackers had been killed.

No militant group has so far claimed responsibility for the multiple attacks. Police cordoned off the area and did not allow journalists to get access to the site of the incident.