德大选唯一电视辩论 默克尔舒尔茨首次正面交锋(组图)

2017年09月04日 07:13:37 | 来源: 新华网

当地时间2017年9月3日,德国柏林,寻求连任的总理默克尔与主要竞争对手、社会民主党党魁舒尔茨出席电视辩论,首次正面交锋。***_***BERLIN, GERMANY - SEPTEMBER 03:  German Chancellor and Christian Democrat (CDU) Angela Merkel is seen arriving at Adlershof television studios to attend the live television debate with German Social Democrat (SPD) and chancellor candidate Martin Schulz, on September 3, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. Germany will hold federal elections on September 24 and so far Merkel, who is seeking a fourth term, has a double-digit lead over Schulz. (Photo by Omer Messinger/Getty Images)

  当地时间2017年9月3日,德国柏林,寻求连任的总理默克尔与主要竞争对手、社会民主党党魁舒尔茨出席电视辩论,首次正面交锋。信息来源:中新网 图片来源:视觉中国

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