美国多地将现日食奇观 民众观赏热情高涨(组图)

2017年08月21日 10:04:17 | 来源: 新华网

当地时间2017年8月20日,美国南卡罗莱纳州哥伦比亚,民众举行活动准备观赏日食奇观。***_***COLUMBIA, SC - AUGUST 20: People walk by the Nickelodeon Theater August 20, 2017 in Columbia, South Carolina. COLUMBIA, SC - AUGUST 20: Sophia Neghesti sells eclipse glasses on Main St. August 20, 2017 in Columbia, South Carolina. The state capital city is one of the prime destinations for viewing Monday's solar eclipse and NASA expects clear weather could bring over a million visitors to the state. (Photo by Sean Rayford/Getty Images)


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