日本:贪吃白鹭花20分钟捉青蛙只为饱餐一顿 这耐心也是没谁了

2017年08月11日 07:08:01 | 来源: 新华网

2017年8月10日(具体拍摄时间不详),日本横滨市,摄影师Akihiro Asami 捕捉到一只鹭花费20分钟捉一只青蛙,只为饱餐一顿。***_***Pictured The heron s battle with the frog Excuse me I ve got a frog in my throat. A long legged heron tirelessly attempts to prepare its slippery lunch for the plunge. In a battle that lasted 20 minutes the grey heron persevered to victory when it perfectly positioned the frog head first down its beak. Photographer Akihiro Asami 70 captured the dual at a secluded park in Yokohama City Japan hidden behind a fence 20 metres away. SEE OUR COPY FOR DETAILS. Please byline Akihiro Asami Solent News Akihiro Asami Solent News Photo Agency UK 44 0 2380 458800

  2017年8月10日(具体拍摄时间不详),日本横滨市,摄影师Akihiro Asami 捕捉到一只鹭花费20分钟捉一只青蛙,只为饱餐一顿。图片来源:视觉中国

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