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奥巴马不再翻修总统办公室 特朗普任期头一年或另觅别处办公

2016年11月17日 19:27:20 来源: 中国日报网

奥巴马不再翻修总统办公室 特朗普任期头一年或另觅别处办公


中国日报网11月17日电(潘一侨) 据美国《纽约邮报》报道,美国总统奥巴马看来不会在任期内翻修白宫椭圆形办公室了,他决定把这个责任推给候任总统特朗普。由于这一总统专用的办公室要进行一系列安全升级,特朗普可能要在他任期的1/4的时间中被迫到其他地方办公。





(编辑:刘世东 党超峰)

rump may not be able to work in the Oval Office for over a year

President Obama is apparently refusing to renovate the Oval Office — and has instead decided to pass the buck to Donald Trump, who may be forced to work somewhere else for a quarterof his term now as a result of the numerous security upgrades that will be going on inside the room.

“My understanding is that for the first year of his time in office, President Trump will not have the Oval Office,” former George W. Bush adviser Karl Rove told Fox News on Wednesday.

According to Rove, Trump may likely have to spend up to a quarter of his term working out of the Eisenhower Executive Office Buildingacross the street from the presidential seat of power.

The decision to not renovate the Oval Office may ultimately come as a surprise to some, seeing as President Obama chose to redecorate the room completely in 2010 — adorning it with big, cushy sofas and striped wallpaper.

In 2013, RealClearPolitics reported that a replica Oval Office was being constructed in the EEOBand expected to be completed later that year, but the plans were eventually scrapped.

【纠错】 [责任编辑: 华夏 ]
