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戴安娜头发被亚马逊售卖 粉丝不满

2015年10月14日 09:56:45 来源: 中国日报网

  Fans of the late Princess Diana have expressed their disgust after a lock of hair said to be from the much-loved royal has been put up for sale on Amazon. 一绺已故的戴安娜王妃的头发被放上亚马逊出售,这位倍受敬爱的皇室成员的粉丝们对此表达了厌恶。

  Described as just a 'few strands' of Diana's hair, the American seller has put the memorabilia in a frame along with a photograph and a facsimile signature. 这家美国销售商在商品描述中称这只是“几缕”戴安娜的头发,并将该纪念品与一张照片和一份复写签名放进同一个相框里。

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【纠错】 [责任编辑: 张天宇 ]
