Swedes mock U.S. Fox News for interviewing fake expert on TV show

Source: Xinhua   2017-02-27 12:46:36

NEW YORK, Feb. 27 (Xinhua) -- Sweden people are making fun of the U.S. Fox News channel on social media for its interview with a fake Swedish "national security advisor."

Benny Ekeroth said on twitter: "Well, they also had this French expert who confirmed everything Nils Bildt said. So, fake?! I think NOT!"

Johan Wiktorin twittered: "This is Nils G Tolling and he's not known in our circles as an expert. Not on National Security anyway."

The TV show was "The O'Reilly Factor," a widely known program of Fox News hosted by one of the most popular presenters of the channel, Bill O'Reilly.

Sweden media such as the Dagens Nyheter newspaper reported the next day that neither the Swedish armed forces nor the Swedish Foreign Ministry had heard of "Nils Bildt."

The newspaper also said that Bildt had in fact emigrated from Sweden in 1994 and that he was originally named Nils Tolling.

Broadcast as "Swedish defense and national security advisor," the "Nils Bildt" told the host there had been big problems with integrating immigrants into Swedish society.

"These things are not being openly and honestly discussed," he said.

The remarks and the person himself triggered controversy in Sweden, and people flocked on twitter or other social media to mock the "Bildt" and Fox News.

Editor: Zhang Dongmiao
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Swedes mock U.S. Fox News for interviewing fake expert on TV show

Source: Xinhua 2017-02-27 12:46:36

NEW YORK, Feb. 27 (Xinhua) -- Sweden people are making fun of the U.S. Fox News channel on social media for its interview with a fake Swedish "national security advisor."

Benny Ekeroth said on twitter: "Well, they also had this French expert who confirmed everything Nils Bildt said. So, fake?! I think NOT!"

Johan Wiktorin twittered: "This is Nils G Tolling and he's not known in our circles as an expert. Not on National Security anyway."

The TV show was "The O'Reilly Factor," a widely known program of Fox News hosted by one of the most popular presenters of the channel, Bill O'Reilly.

Sweden media such as the Dagens Nyheter newspaper reported the next day that neither the Swedish armed forces nor the Swedish Foreign Ministry had heard of "Nils Bildt."

The newspaper also said that Bildt had in fact emigrated from Sweden in 1994 and that he was originally named Nils Tolling.

Broadcast as "Swedish defense and national security advisor," the "Nils Bildt" told the host there had been big problems with integrating immigrants into Swedish society.

"These things are not being openly and honestly discussed," he said.

The remarks and the person himself triggered controversy in Sweden, and people flocked on twitter or other social media to mock the "Bildt" and Fox News.

[Editor: huaxia]