Paris to impose traffic restrictions to reduce air pollution

Source: Xinhua   2016-12-06 05:24:29

PARIS, Dec. 5 (Xinhua) -- The French authorities on Monday decided to restrict vehicle use by imposing alternating traffic on Dec. 6 in Paris and its suburbs after air pollution reached high levels in the region.

Only cars with an even number, electric or hybrid vehicles and vehicles with more than three people on board are allowed to drive on Tuesday, while public transport is free for the entire day, Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo said in a statement.

She also called on citizens to use clean modes of transport such as Velib and Autolib, which are public sharing services for bicycles and electric cars during "this particularly long episode of air pollution."

The Airparif Association, an environmental body responsible for monitoring air quality of Ile-de-France, expected the pollution index to be high on Tuesday due to increased pollutant of PM10, particulate matter measuring less than 10 microns.

Editor: yan
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Paris to impose traffic restrictions to reduce air pollution

Source: Xinhua 2016-12-06 05:24:29

PARIS, Dec. 5 (Xinhua) -- The French authorities on Monday decided to restrict vehicle use by imposing alternating traffic on Dec. 6 in Paris and its suburbs after air pollution reached high levels in the region.

Only cars with an even number, electric or hybrid vehicles and vehicles with more than three people on board are allowed to drive on Tuesday, while public transport is free for the entire day, Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo said in a statement.

She also called on citizens to use clean modes of transport such as Velib and Autolib, which are public sharing services for bicycles and electric cars during "this particularly long episode of air pollution."

The Airparif Association, an environmental body responsible for monitoring air quality of Ile-de-France, expected the pollution index to be high on Tuesday due to increased pollutant of PM10, particulate matter measuring less than 10 microns.

[Editor: huaxia]