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Xinhua world news summary at 0030 GMT, Oct. 30
                 Source: Xinhua | 2016-10-30 08:20:42 | Editor: huaxia

MADRID -- Mariano Rajoy won the investiture vote to become Spain's prime minister on Saturday.

The result of the vote was 170 votes in favor, 68 abstentions and 111 against. (Spain-PM)

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WASHINGTON -- Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Saturday accused the U.S. Justice Department of protecting his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton in her email probe.

"The Department of Justice (DOJ) is trying so hard to protect Hillary," said Trump at a rally in Colorado over media reports that DOJ had warned the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) against announcing less than two weeks before the Election Day the finding of new emails that appeared to be linked to the FBI's Clinton email probe completed in July. (US-2016 election)

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ABUJA -- At least nine people were killed and 24 injured following twin blasts which rocked the city of Maiduguri, capital of Nigeria's northeastern state of Borno on Saturday.

Officials said two female suicide bombers wreaked the havoc. (Nigeria-- Blast)

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ANKARA -- At least three soldiers were killed and five others injured in a terror attack in eastern Turkey on Saturday, Anadolu Agency reported.

The Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) terrorists attacked security forces with mortar shelling in the Cukurca district of Hakkari province. (Turkey-PKK-Attack) Enditem

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Xinhua world news summary at 0030 GMT, Oct. 30

Source: Xinhua 2016-10-30 08:20:42

MADRID -- Mariano Rajoy won the investiture vote to become Spain's prime minister on Saturday.

The result of the vote was 170 votes in favor, 68 abstentions and 111 against. (Spain-PM)

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WASHINGTON -- Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Saturday accused the U.S. Justice Department of protecting his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton in her email probe.

"The Department of Justice (DOJ) is trying so hard to protect Hillary," said Trump at a rally in Colorado over media reports that DOJ had warned the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) against announcing less than two weeks before the Election Day the finding of new emails that appeared to be linked to the FBI's Clinton email probe completed in July. (US-2016 election)

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ABUJA -- At least nine people were killed and 24 injured following twin blasts which rocked the city of Maiduguri, capital of Nigeria's northeastern state of Borno on Saturday.

Officials said two female suicide bombers wreaked the havoc. (Nigeria-- Blast)

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ANKARA -- At least three soldiers were killed and five others injured in a terror attack in eastern Turkey on Saturday, Anadolu Agency reported.

The Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) terrorists attacked security forces with mortar shelling in the Cukurca district of Hakkari province. (Turkey-PKK-Attack) Enditem

[Editor: huaxia ]